To see our SEND policy and report, click the links below:
The Special Educational Needs and Disability department nurture a supportive, inclusive environment whereby each individual’s needs are endeavoured to be met. We are lucky enough at St. John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive School to have a dedicated space for students to partake in a range of interventions and supportive strategies. Our aim is to ensure that all students enabled with the support that they need to do their very best, despite any differences. We, as an inclusive school community, fully comply with the duties outlined in the Equality Act 2010, as well as those in the SEND Regulations 2014, ensuring that we make our curriculum accessible for learners with special educational needs and / or disabilities.
There are a wide range of additional needs that prevent some children being able to learn at the same speed as their peers. This can also impact on their ability to interact socially and cope with the changes that the transition to secondary school can bring. These needs will impact different children in different ways. The level and style of support will differ for each child depending on the impact that their need has on their learning.
Our support for transition into secondary school for our new students begins as soon as individuals are offered a place. The SENCO will meet with the primary school SENCO to get an understanding of the needs of each individual student and how these were being addressed previously. There will be a discussion about the support to meet each students specific needs to ensure they are able to thrive. Also, a member of St John Fisher staff will visit each school to meet the new students and answer any questions they may have, to alleviate their anxiety and prepare them for the changes of transitioning to secondary school.
Examples of support offered
Additional transition visits for students who are nervous about starting secondary school (particularly ASD students). Students who would benefit from this are identified in conjunction with the relevant primary schools during the meeting with the SENCO.
Summer School. This takes place for one day in the last week of the summer holidays. This is a great way to make new friends in a relaxed setting completing creative activities before the new school term begins and meet the pastoral and support staff who they will be working with when they start school in Year 7.
Link to Medway’s core standards
Please see the Policy section of the website, in the ‘About’ drop down section to access:
Behaviour for Learning Policy
School Uniform Policy
Equalities Objectives
Accessibility Policy
Attendance Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Contact Information
The SENCO, Miss Paul, has a focus on ensuring the vision and direction of the school continues to meet the needs to students with SEN. She has completed the National Qualification for Special Educational Needs Coordination at Canterbury Christchurch University
A variety of CPD opportunities are available to both teaching and support staff including:
* Awareness in Autism
* Supporting students with ASD
* Teaching students with Dyslexia
* Level 2 Certificate in Working with Individuals with Learning Difficulties
Local SEND seminars are used to keep up to date on new legislation and support available
Mr McCaughan, Mrs Lennon, and Miss Paul have had full Designated Safeguarding Lead training
Miss Chapman has had full PREVENT training.
All staff have annual safeguarding training.
Miss A. Paul
Tel: 01634 543123
Designated Looked After Children Coordinator:
Mrs J Simpson
Tel: 01634 543123
SEN Governor:
Mrs. G. Jarvis