Upcoming events:
Afterschool clubs
All students to meet in the changing rooms
Clubs to run from 3:15 – 4:15
Students must have PE kit.
Lunch clubs
All students to meet at the venue
Clubs to run from 1:25 – 2:10
Students do not need PE kit, but must have trainers.
Term 1
Please see the sports clubs schedule for term 1. All clubs are free of charge, and students do not have to register, they can arrive at any session throughout the term. Please note that there are a considerable number of football fixtures being delivered by the PE staff in term 1, meaning that we will be able to deliver more clubs after school in term 2. After school clubs run from 3.15pm-4.15pm. All clubs will begin week commencing Monday 9th September.
Day | Session | Sport |
Monday | After school | Leadership (All years) |
Tuesday | Lunchtime | Year 7/10/12 Table Tennis |
Tuesday | After school | Netball (All years) |
Wednesday | Before school | Cricket Club |
Wednesday | Lunchtime | 6th Form Strength and Conditioning |
Thursday | Lunchtime | Year 8 and 9 Table Tennis |
Thursday | Lunchtime | Year 7 and 8 Badminton |
Thursday | After school | Year 9/10/12 Badminton |