St John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive School

Advanced level qualifications (level 3)

Due to the way that grades were awarded during the COVID-19 pandemic, qualification results achieved between January 2020 and August 2021, by students included in this year’s measures, are not included in the calculations. This may have had an impact on the results for this school or college, and we recommend that comparisons are not made with data from previous years, or directly with other providers. Comparisons to the local and national average should be made with caution.

We have not produced progress (value-added) measures at 16-18 this year as we would need to use grades achieved between January 2020 and August 2021 to do this. 16-18 progress measures will return from 2023/24.


A levels 57 students

Academic qualifications (including A levels) 57 students

Academic qualifications include A levels but also other ‘level 3’ academic qualifications such as International Baccalaureates and Pre-U. These figures are based on students who were entered for at least one academic qualification that takes the same amount of time to study as an AS level or above.

Average result 

  Average result Points
School / college D 21.06
Medway state-funded schools / colleges B- 36.4
England all schools
schools / colleges
B 39.04

% of students completing their main study programme 

Number of students enrolled to study mainly academic qualifications: 19

  School / college Medway average (local authority) – state-funded schools / colleges England average – state-funded schools / colleges
% of students completing their main study programme 94.7% 97.5% 95.0%

You can compare the students’ results with performance at state-funded schools and colleges at local authority and national level.

  School / college Local authority England
% of students retained and assessed 89.5% 96.5% 94.3%

Disadvantaged students

Disadvantaged students are those who attract pupil premium funding at the end of key stage 4, meaning students claiming free school meals at any point in the previous six years, students in care, and those who left care through adoption or another formal route. The performance of disadvantaged students is compared with the local authority and the England average for non-disadvantaged students.

  School / college dis. students Local authority (non-dis. students) England (non-dis. students)
Number of students 14 1279 215119
Average grade (points) D+
% of students completing main study programme (number of students enrolled) SUPP 97.7% 95.8%

Applied general qualifications (broad vocational qualifications) 43 students

Average result 

  Average result Points
School / college Merit 25.63
Medway state-funded schools / colleges Merit+ 28.22
England all schools
schools / colleges
Dist- 31.98

% of students completing their main study programme 

Number of students enrolled to study mainly applied general qualifications: 37

  School / college Medway average (local authority) – state-funded schools / colleges England average – state-funded schools / colleges
% of students completing their main study programme 100.0% 88.0% 91.7%

You can compare the students’ results with performance at state-funded schools and colleges at local authority and national level.

  School / college Local authority England
% of students retained and assessed 100.0% 86.1% 88.4%

Disadvantaged students

Disadvantaged students are those who attract pupil premium funding at the end of key stage 4, meaning students claiming free school meals at any point in the previous six years, students in care, and those who left care through adoption or another formal route. The performance of disadvantaged students is compared with the local authority and the England average for non-disadvantaged students.

  School / college dis. students Local authority (non-dis. students) England (non-dis. students)
Number of students 9 770 89552
Average grade (points) Merit
% of students completing main study programme (number of students enrolled) 100.0%
88.6% 92.6%

Tech levels (occupational qualifications) 3 students

Tech levels are level 3 qualifications for students wishing to develop the specialist skills and knowledge for a technical occupation or industry.


Average result 

  Average result Points
School / college Dist- 32.31
Medway state-funded schools / colleges Merit+ 28.22
England all schools
schools / colleges
Dist- 30.56

% of students completing their main study programme 

Number of students enrolled to study mainly Tech levels: 10


  School / college Medway average (local authority) – state-funded schools / colleges England average – state-funded schools / colleges
% of students completing their main study programme 100.0% 89.0% 91.1%

Additional data

You can compare the students’ results with performance at state-funded schools and colleges at local authority and national level.

  School / college Local authority England
% of students retained and assessed 100.0% 80.6% 84.3%

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