Please find the statutory information required for website ‘compliance’ checking.
School Name:
St John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive School
City Way, Rochester, ME1 2FA
+44 (0)1634 543123
Safeguarding Team:
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr. G. McCaughan
Governor responsible for Safeguarding: Mr. O McColgan.
Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Mrs. D. Lennon, Ms. V. Walker, Mrs. J. Simpson, Mr. D. Sogbetun, Mr. C. Nicholas, Mrs. L. Bennett, Mr. A. Jennings, Mr. S. Oni, Mrs. E. Tabiri, Miss. A. Paul. Ms T. Chapman, Ms N. Robb, Ms K. Ali, Ms A. Field, and Mr. I. Jordan
- Contact Mrs C Shaw if you are a parent or member of the public with a query.
- Our SENCO is Mrs A Paul,
Additional Safeguarding Contact Information:
Medway Social Care: 01634 334466
Medway LADO: 01634 331065
- For our Behaviour Policy, please use this link: Behaviour Policy
- For our School Complaints Procedure, please use this link: Complaints Procedure
- For our SEND policy, please use this link: SEND Policy
- For our SEND Information report, please use this link: SEND Report
- For our Equality Policy, please use this link: Equality and Diversity Policy
- For our Charging and remissions policy, please use this link: Charges and Remissions
- For our Values and Ethos statement, please use this link: Mission and Ethos
- For our Accessibility Policy, please use this link: Accessibility Policy
- For our Careers Policy, please use this link: Careers Policy
- For our Provider Access Policy, please Provider Access Policy.
For Admissions Information, please click here.
Results and OFSTED:
- Click here for the latest St John Fisher School OFSTED reports: OFSTED Reports
- The link to the DFE School performance table service: DFE Performance Tables
- For Key stage 4 (end of secondary school) results click Here
- For Key stage 5 (end of sixth form) results click Here
- For Pupil Destinations click here: Pupil Destinations
Curriculum and Pupil Premium:
- For information about our school Curriculum please start in the Curriculum section of the website. Click here: Curriculum
- For information about our Pupil Premium please use these links: Pupil Premium Information
- For our Pupil Premium policy, click here: Policy
Governor Information:
- Governors’ information and duties: Governing Body
Financial Information
- One member of staff has a gross annual salary of more than £100,000. Their salary is in the £110,000 – £120,000 band.
The St. John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive School Financial Benchmarking Service page is available at
Timings of the School Day
- For timings of the school day and calculation of weekly hours please click here
Paper Copies
If you would like to request paper copies of any of the information on this website, please email and we will be pleased to assist you.