Denominational Inspection Report
St. John Fisher is OUTSTANDING!
On 29th and 30th September 2021, St. John Fisher underwent a Denominational Inspection. School inspectors visited lessons, observed break and lunch times, and spoke to staff, students, parents and carers.
The report of the inspection has now been published and we are delighted to say that we have been judged to be a ‘Outstanding’ school.
Leadership and management were praised, with inspectors stating that ‘The headteacher is an inspirational presence. She is ably supported by senior leaders as they continuously develop the Catholic character of the school.’ In addition, governors ‘are very knowledgeable and experienced.’
Teaching, learning and assessment in Religious Education was described helping pupils to make ‘good’ progress over time. ‘Teachers use assessments to identify and target pupils who need support or extra challenge’, with the report noting that ‘pupils were all happy with the lessons’.
Our pupils also came in for praise, with the inspectors noting that ‘Pupils make an outstanding contribution to the Catholic Life of the school and derive huge benefit from St. John Fisher School. They articulate great pride in their community and appreciate the praise and encouragement they receive.’ Elsewhere, inspectors commented that ‘Behaviour is exemplary at all times as a result of policies that are clearly communicated.’
Finally, in terms of pastoral care and collective worship, ‘Prayer and worship are central to the daily life of the school. There are many opportunities for pupils to pray and experience moments of reflection and celebration’, with inspectors noting that ‘Pupils’ experience has a visibly profound effect on them irrespective of faith background.’
The full report can be read online Here
We are thrilled with the outcome of this report. Headteacher Mrs. Lennon said ‘This report evidences the ongoing transformation of SJF and is another step forward in our journey to becoming a world class school. The outcome of this inspection would not have been possible without the hard work of everyone in school – both staff and students – as well as that of the families and community we are privileged to work with. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank everyone who has supported and helped us to improve since the last inspection.’
Prior to this, the school was last inspected in July 2014, when it was also graded Outstanding. Please Click Here to read this report