Mission statement
“‘St. John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive School inspires students, spiritually and
educationally, forming them through Faith so they can achieve their aspirations and contribute
to their community.’”
It is expected that as a member of St. John Fisher School you will show respect at all times, both in school and out of school, by having:
- I will develop my talents so that I can use them for the good of others, especially those who need them most.
- I will show respect for all, respecting the opinions of others and accepting that they may be different to my own.
- I will arrive to school and lessons on time, ready to learn and dressed in the correct uniform.
- I will do my best to remain in school all day, attend all of my lessons and work to the best of my ability.
- I will take part in all reflections in lessons, attend all school services and masses and behave in a respectful manner throughout.
- I will complete all homework on time and to the best of my ability.
- I will help to keep the school free of litter and graffiti.
- I will talk to a teacher or another adult if I think that I am being bullied, or someone I know, is being bullied*.
- I will always speak to staff and other students with respect.
- I will follow the hands off policy by ensuring that I do not get involved in any form of fighting or violence towards others.
*Bullying is where a person is subject to physical or verbal abuse by others over a prolonged period of time. This may take place face to face or via social media.
The Code of Conduct
As members of the St John Fisher School community, students, staff and parents should show respect at all times both inside and outside of school.
24/7 Policy
The St John Fisher code of conduct is applicable at all times of the day and night. Students are representative of St John Fisher School not only when in school but also when out in the local community. As such, students who display negative behaviour whilst out of school will still be subject to the same sanctions as they would be in school.
Hands Off
St John Fisher operates a ‘hands off’ policy. This means that any form of fighting, physical bullying or violent response is unacceptable and will lead to serious sanction.
Offensive Weapons
Any student found to be in possession of a sharp or bladed item or any item that could be classed as an offensive weapon whilst on school premises will be subject to a permanent exclusion.
Illegal Substances
Any student found to be in possession of, or involved in bringing into school, harmful or illegal substances, including alcohol, will be subject to a permanent exclusion.
Parents & Carers
- I will work with the school to support my child’s spiritual development so that they become their best self.
- I will take responsibility for my child attending school regularly, on time and in the correct uniform.
- I will inform the school on the first day when my child is absent and supply medical evidence when requested to do so.
- I will support the school in ensuring that my child attends, and is respectful of, all religious services.
- I will attend parent’s evenings and other meetings about the progress of my child.
- I will inform the school about anything which might affect my child’s work, behaviour or progress.
- I will ensure that all homework is completed.
- I will work with, and show respect for, the professionals supporting my child.
- I will support all school policies and help enforce the same day detention system.
- I will acknowledge receipt of written communications from the school as and when required.
- I will encourage my child to attend enrichment activities and other out of classroom opportunities for learning.
- I will actively engage with the school to help my child progress and be happy there.