Careers contact: Mr. O’Halloran, Careers Leader (, 01634 543123)

St. John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive School aims to offer a comprehensive programme of Career education, information, advice and guidance which has been developed in order to ensure an outstanding provision as outlined in the Education Act 2011, the Gatsby benchmarks and the Government’s ‘Statutory Guidance 2018’.

Careers education, information and guidance (CEIAG) is a key component in the education that we provide for our students.  Through a planned programme of careers activities from Year 7 through to Year 13, we empower our students to leave school equipped with the skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding to manage their lifelong career and learning. Preparing them, as much as is possible, for their adult life in the working world.

The programme is internally reviewed by the Careers Leader and Head of 6th form annually in July, after gaining feedback from students, staff, parents and external providers.

The careers programme at SJF is designed to ensure a progressive and tailored development of careers skills, knowledge and understanding in all students. The aim of the programme is to inspire all of our students to pursue their chosen career path and appropriately plan the next stages in that pathway using expert information, quality resources and up to date labour market information. In all years CEIAG should provide students with a focus to encourage them to gain outstanding academic results and to enable them to succeed in their chosen career path.

A more detailed view of the events for each year group can be found below:

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
Curriculum focused careers assemblies – each term


Kent University build student/university workshops – These workshops are aimed at encouraging students from all backgrounds to consider the benefits of university education.


Yearly events booked based upon availability. Previous example – Generation code workshop learning about basic coding.



Curriculum focused careers assemblies – each term.


One to one meeting with a member of staff prior to options choices being made.


University of Kent assembly – raising aspirations.


University of Kent whole year group visit.


GCSE options evening.


Yearly events booked based upon availability. Previous example – Sutton scholar’s university experience.


Curriculum focused careers assemblies – each term.


University of Kent ‘university life’ workshop – selected students.


University of Kent visit – selected students.


Yearly events booked based upon availability.  Previous example – IRail workshops looking at careers in engineering and the railway.


Curriculum focused careers assemblies – each term.


University of Kent visit – selected students that may have missed previous visits.


Back to business drop down day – focused on work and life skills needed beyond school.


Work experience


Yearly events booked based upon availability.  Previous example – VIY workshops




Curriculum focused careers assemblies – each term.


NCS programme


Yearly events booked based upon availability.  Previous example – university lecture series


Curriculum focused careers assemblies – each term.


NCs programme


University of Kent – Exploring self and options workshop.


University of Kent – Exploring higher education workshop.


University of Kent – Discovering courses and institutions workshop.


University of Kent campus visit with mock lectures and seminars.


University and apprenticeship fair trip – Emirates stadium.


Work experience


Yearly events booked based upon availability. Previous example – DWP workshops on higher apprenticeships and career routes



Curriculum focused careers assemblies – each term


University of Kent – Applying to university workshop.


University of Kent – Preparing to succeed workshop.


Yearly events booked based upon availability. Previous example – Kent police careers workshop




Useful websites



Apprenticeships & Work

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