Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme helps young people to plan and undertake their own programmes of activity, to develop mentally, physically and emotionally.
Here at St. John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive we provide the opportunity for all Year 9 students to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award, with the option in later years to complete the Silver(Yr10) and Gold(Yr11+) Awards.
As well as being a fun opportunity for students to build on skills, work as a team and help within the community, it is also highly regarded by higher education establishments and employers, often providing the crucial standout advantage on CV’s and in interviews.
Students will complete four sections (five for Gold): Volunteering, Physical, Skills, Expedition and for Gold, a Residential. The expedition at Bronze involves planning, preparing for and undertaking a two-da
y hike in a group of between four and seven people. Expedition training runs regularly throughout the year
covering important things such as map reading, camp craft and first aid.
As part of our school ethos volunteering is an important part of the
award package as students spend free time on service projects either
around the school or in their own communities.
For more information please see the official
website at
How to sign up
for the award
Each years intake will be announced by special assembly in Term 1 and all eligible students will be provided with sign-up sheets and further information, a short consultation period will occur at this time.
The average price for signing up participants is £28 with a further trip cost before attending expedition which varies based upon location, this will be communicated via letter and email. Full documentation and payment options will be available via www.parentmail.co.uk once students become eligible to take part.
Should there be any financial barrier preventing students from attending a trip please contact the award manager m.harman@stjohnfisher.school
Bronze (Year 9)
Open to all Yr9 students. intake begins each September. |
Silver (Year 10)
Open to all Yr10 students. intake begins each September. |
Gold (Year 12) Yr11+ students will ideally hold a Silver award and is by invitation only. |
How to Access eDofE
Accessing eDofE requires a username and password combination, initially this is set to the participant’s name and date of birth but can be changed upon accessing for the first time. The eDofE app (highly recommended for uploading evidence straight from phones) is where all evidence is logged, assessed and tracked. It is also the first point of contact for support. www.edofe.org m.edofe.org/
How to support us
Of course, no organisation develops without help, we have already received donations from staff, parents and charitable organisations and would dearly like to thank those that have a made DofE at St. John Fisher a reality.
With that in mind continued donations are enthusiastically appreciated. You can help to support us by providing any of the resources listed on the official DofE Kit List, contacting us with any opportunities you may be aware of or simple moral support. www.dofe.org/shopping/dofe-expedition-kit-list/
Important Contacts
DofE Manager – Mr M. Harman
Email: M.Harman@stjohnfisher.school